Sunday, February 28

He let me be one of first to know. Something so personal, though I haven't always been there for him. At a loss what I can do. But this man is strong and determined, always has been. He would fight this the same. We don't share a God but I'll be praying to mine. May there be light soon.

Thursday, February 25

I always believe that a relationship can only work out when both parties contribute to it and move towards a consistent, common goal. Despite the many differences, we make new chapters in a shared life by creating our own similarities.
Those who value each other stay connected no matter how.
In this day & age anyone with money can become beautiful and desirable. The world is idealistic, a tad unrealistic and always greedy for more. In this day & age, genuine love rarely comes by. What should be shown through actions are things people might speak of but not practice at all.
So be with the person who appreciates your very being (your loyalty, kindness, happiness and pains) so that when everything has come to pass and beauty is LITERALLY but in the eye of the beholder, he will be the proudest man to still have you by his side. :]
Cherish the one who sees inside of you.

Tuesday, February 16

Carelessly, we hurt the people we love. That's alright. But to leave them to their own devices at the first sign of difficulty is knowingly doing it. If something I did hurts the one I love, I stay present & offer solace, at the expense of pride or need for correctness. If you ask me it isn't problems that define a relationship. It is the methods that decide what's worthwhile.

Daddy's words, “Every day is Valentine's Day when you are there for someone.” Thought it was cheesy but man it makes sense now.

Saturday, February 13

A quick Thank Youuuuuuuu

Thursday, February 11

I am not interested in a lame ‘love competition’. Or so you call it. Since you're so certain you can win him over, good for you. What I don't get is saying you would feel bad then. Don't be dramatic. The men I find worth loving have never been those swept away. Enjoy playing your cards girl.

Saturday, February 6

新年快乐 is here! As usual, I'm not particularly stoked about the occasion but I'm all ready for new beginnings
& nails!
Moving forward, I no longer want to waste time fighting with people whom I do love. Whatever truth will always come to light. Meanwhile I want to be the best version of myself. I find no point now in picking out things, creating a mess and at the end of the day, human beings whom care about each other hurt one another. Nope, it's not the same as turning a blind eye. It is accepting that God will fill the gaps. So that what is meant-to-be shows up eventually. Workwise too, I'm excited to move out of domestic and into the business marketplace. Wish me lots of luck!
In case I don't write before Day 1 here's to my friends:
Happy Lunar New Year everybody
心想事成, 身体永远健康!!

Monday, February 1

Girls need attention, women want respect.