Friday, March 16

You know how most girls are into the BFF-hype.
I had my last 'best friend' in primary three, and that was it.
Nothing dramatic happened. We drifted eventually.
It isn't because I haven't found good people in my life since then.
But as I grew up, I also grew up knowing not to count on forever.

Best, friend, forever.
Three separate words that I find (almost) impossible to define.

Don't take this the wrong way.
I am blessed with a handful of close ones, each too awesome to compare.
Sometimes though... I wish I had a duplicate of me.
She understands, never misunderstands.
She would be the best reflection of my good and bads,
a friend like no other and most importantly she'll stick with me forever.

No wonder I talk to myself in the nights. Haha.
Don't you wish you were your own best friend?

Friday, March 2

Many aspiring singers in Singapore but getting to know one,
and attend his performances as someone who appreciates a fucking good voice
it's amazing.

I watch them onstage doing the thing they love,
it's funny how we share the same motivations and dream...
there are the ones who chase and end up nowhere,
there are the ones who chase and ultimately succeed,
and there are those, who never dared to give much chase.

I think that's the worst. That's me.