It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.
One day, given the right circumstances... I would like to be a good mother. A great mother. I will not spoil my child in case he becomes complacent or worst still, unsympathetic. But I will never love my child any lesser such that he grows up feeling insecure. And in self-doubt. Because to not know we are loved, then, to not know how to love ourselves can keep what we want from us. I want for my future kid or kids to always recognize happiness, affection, gratitude and peace as it is. To know that all the beautiful things in life are attainable with good faith. To actually believe in them.
I will not be a mother like my mother. Thank you for your example. I tried to suppress this pain inside of me in hopes that you may change for the better. I thought I could be the only person still here as you grow old in all of your anger and bitterness. I thought as long as I tolerated... ignored... the noise would go away. It only gets worser each time. They're right I need to move out. It's the only way to keep my own sanity.
You said you will be happy destroying this family if it is in accordance to 'principles'. I hope you're happy because you have done that, and thoroughly so.