Should I be anticipating or dreading 3rd December?
This year Mom will tour Europe for two whole weeks. She's only ever been away for six days at most. And while the silence seems like something to look forward to, that sort of silence can also be eerily lonely. My girlfriends did offer to stay one or two nights but I've said nope. They work 9-5 jobs and the traveling would be terribly inconvenient.
I tell Punkie and friends I am excited to finally have the house all to myself. I don't want to sound like a pussy! But how in the world shall I cope with the emptiness and darkness that drowns every corner? I can already imagine the staleness of the air when I come home late at night.
Suppose I'll get used to it within the initial days. I should be fine as long as I hide in my room with the computer, lights and some music. There's nothing to be afraid of. Nothing I cannot handle.