Tuesday, January 15

Iphone 5 is quite a jinx.

For the third time, I headed back to the ulusamy Harper Road today.
The unit I ordered online after selling my first had receiver problems.
And so they repaired it.... but while doing so they screwed up my cover.

It became a little lopsided on the left. I could have lived with it, but heyy why should I!
I could have lived with it if the phone cost me 9.48. Nope. There is no decimal place.
And so I diligently made the trip again, expecting the issue to be solved once they re-align the screen.
Ah why do they keep operating on my new phone!? :(

Wheeeee. The staff wasn't able to fix it.
I told the girl (in a slightly annoyed tone), "No I have not dropped it. It was perfectly fine before I sent it in."
I think my face was gray too. Aiyah the sun. The sun very HOT la hahahaha.
She nodded and scooted off immediately.
The boss then kindly offered me a 1-1 exchange. A brand new set straight from Apple.
I checked that it wasn't refurbished so..... hip hip hurray!!

This is my third iphone 5. I must break the curse.

It's actually a good thing that I have been staying away from messages/calls, except the V.I.Gs (very important girls).
I don't feel as crippled without a phone anymore.

I do know however (when I'm back) I will need to improve on my texting etiquette.
I always get the sarcastic bomb: "wow you reply fast" ...after 4-5 days. Hahah.
I conclude I am indeed rather rude.
I sometimes disappear midway during virtual conversations because I see no commitment to carry on.
I chuck my phone aside as soon as the fingers get lazy to type.
Apparently, we are supposed to end off with 'ttyl' or 'brb' or 'cya soon' or 'goodnight'.
Somewhere along those lines to cut the other party off.
Are we?