Uncle Bk was born a little slower than others.
Naturally, out of my mom's three siblings, he is also the least educated.
Uncle Bk spent most of his working life serving famous bak-ku-teh at Balestier's branch.
The lady boss always looked after his interests.
But when she passed away a few years back his colleagues started to turn nasty.
Knowing he was intellectually challenged, they made fun and took advantage of him.
There was no longer anyone to stand up for him.
He was eventually fired for no good reason.
He then found his next job - a restaurant helper at MBS.
Today, mom told me Uncle Bk has resigned. Once again he is left with no income.
Being slightly slower my uncle is sometimes ignorant to people's criticisms.
He neither bears grudges nor takes offence to petty insults.
He doesn't know how to.
So if he had indeed chosen to leave, it must be the result of severe mistreatment.
In better times, he never failed to surprise his wife with her fave chili crab every week.
She is considering a divorce now because of his inability to bring money home.
What happened to 'through thick and thin'?
My heart sank when I heard that.
I don't understand these buggers.
My uncle, although slow in interpreting and conversation, is a very genuine person.
Compared to my richer relatives who only bothered about which elite schools we attended,
he fulfilled his role as a loving uncle to us nieces.
It angers me to imagine how lost/upset he could be feeling.
I am ranting. I can only rant. There is nothing I can do against discrimination.
I don't know who are the horrible characters. It could be the whole world.