i cannot receive the zip folder! :(
up till now i've only got these few of TBG.
it was a b-beautiful evening spent together
so will definitely upload more when i get 'em.
Monday 22/10
in summary - hibernated at Kobayashi.
4 hours in the brightly lit restaurant lol
with my favorite companions.
shopped before dinner we bought Tom &Jerry's file! heh once in a while its no crime to indulge in a little clique action. at least now when i bring it to school i don't feel loner no more cause their presence is with me HAHAH.
Visuals here to evidence all cranky moments.
yeah we're proud doing this
bet you can tell from the faces.
Udon again i am beginn'g to like fat noodles.
then Yins became Master Manicurist!
such a darling she actually painted nails for Xin & me.
us in unison: "PAINT OUR NAILS?? :D"
hahahah poor her, disgruntled and forced into such chore.
"Really ah... Okayyy lor."
credits to her good effort!
"Phew finally!" is written on her face.
even when she was hard at work for sake of us,
we kept complain'g & fussing over the color tones.
still, after approx an hour the polish job was done!
show you the practice results later. ;)
i'll introduce the fussy counterpart
Seah Yi Xin on the left.
mind you we were esp excited by the outcome
reason being both of us don't bother with nails often
plus i really suck at painting them myself lol.
in btwn waiting for the metallic blues to dry
we caught up and entertained each other..

we're looking at ourselves and we make us laugh.
so who cares if photos end up dumb & dumber!?
i swear it was the day TBG cam-clicked most,
as you might have already guessed.
after sometime, TADAHHH
Dark.Emo.Blue. we like it.
settled down to snap a few normal shots.
i predict it'd be another lengthy period
till the next 4/4 gathering is possible.
apparently SeahKiki is gonna disappear into fyp soon.

my big-headed love,
and dear Deario for me. :)
rah i don't have the solos with Yins.
group visual
damn hard to capture we had to squeeeze
like sardines, baked beans, mushroom, broccolis
whatever you call it.
LOL in order to get everyone into the tiny screen.
the more we get together together together
the more we get together the happier we'll be. :D
it was a b-beautiful evening spent together
so will definitely upload more when i get 'em.
Monday 22/10
in summary - hibernated at Kobayashi.
4 hours in the brightly lit restaurant lol
with my favorite companions.
shopped before dinner we bought Tom &Jerry's file! heh once in a while its no crime to indulge in a little clique action. at least now when i bring it to school i don't feel loner no more cause their presence is with me HAHAH.
Visuals here to evidence all cranky moments.

bet you can tell from the faces.
Udon again i am beginn'g to like fat noodles.
then Yins became Master Manicurist!
such a darling she actually painted nails for Xin & me.
us in unison: "PAINT OUR NAILS?? :D"
hahahah poor her, disgruntled and forced into such chore.

even when she was hard at work for sake of us,
we kept complain'g & fussing over the color tones.
still, after approx an hour the polish job was done!
show you the practice results later. ;)
i'll introduce the fussy counterpart
mind you we were esp excited by the outcome
reason being both of us don't bother with nails often
plus i really suck at painting them myself lol.
in btwn waiting for the metallic blues to dry
we caught up and entertained each other..
so who cares if photos end up dumb & dumber!?
i swear it was the day TBG cam-clicked most,
as you might have already guessed.
after sometime, TADAHHH

settled down to snap a few normal shots.
i predict it'd be another lengthy period
till the next 4/4 gathering is possible.
apparently SeahKiki is gonna disappear into fyp soon.

rah i don't have the solos with Yins.
group visual
damn hard to capture we had to squeeeze
like sardines, baked beans, mushroom, broccolis
whatever you call it.
LOL in order to get everyone into the tiny screen.

the more we get together the happier we'll be. :D