eye infection makes me tear incessantly.
... had to skip TBG's dinner today ugh. ;(
home straight after AAA + CMA killer paper.
so yeah its HOHO Holidays!
in a grouchy mood nw though.
i wonder when my left eye will stop hurting please.
i wonder how long it'd take to catch up Prison Break S2.
i wonder why my fringe is starting to get wavvy.
& wondering if i might get kicked out of NgeeAnn soon.
slacked at canteen2 waiting for my 2nd paper.
this is what I drew, edited by Ivy.
twinnYs are now officially HAMBAOS.
she said its horrible name. hamburger face.. =X
BET she likes it too lor!
[ 30 MAY 2007 ]
pizza hut - not the best ambience,
... had to skip TBG's dinner today ugh. ;(
home straight after AAA + CMA killer paper.
so yeah its HOHO Holidays!
in a grouchy mood nw though.
i wonder when my left eye will stop hurting please.
i wonder how long it'd take to catch up Prison Break S2.
i wonder why my fringe is starting to get wavvy.
& wondering if i might get kicked out of NgeeAnn soon.
slacked at canteen2 waiting for my 2nd paper.
this is what I drew, edited by Ivy.
she said its horrible name. hamburger face.. =X
BET she likes it too lor!
[ 30 MAY 2007 ]

but fine companion makes up for everything...
OKAY. tht sounds fucking cheesy lol.
OKAY. tht sounds fucking cheesy lol.
ps/ enjoyed the lunch we had times like those..
i hope we have more more more of them baby!
haven't wished you here, a belated one yea.

my duty as his gf to make him happy on his special day, yet i failed to be more tolerant. still i enjoyed myself and hopefully Baby did too! we rented movies, took a short nap before heading all the way to Marina arcade. the day my eye started to feel pain.
myself got a bit angsty.. am glad Baby understood. :)
we made up before he went off the next day not knowing much more arguments were coming our way...
well all's fine already, & thts what matters.

(drag the A when i need ca$h hahah) DAAADDY.
random pic i just think he looks very endearing.

by luck we managed to get on despite expired tix..
despite objections frm an idiotic lady in-charge.

not a fan of ferris wheels, tad too boring & slow.
always preferred those topsy turvy ones
spinning upside down inside out
but this particular experience, sweet.
we were last customers.
round after round i appreciated every moment spent.
every single moment, magnificent.

next up we are going LA for some roller-coaster fun.
saving up money. starting from what i've got now..
which is 30bucks in my bank account.
probably be taking quite forever. o_o"

you know why?!! he refused to read the notes with me, kept sleeping. zzz sleeping!
while poor me look like loser with pen and many papers.

prata & maggi goreng = fulfilling.
okay to end it off, give penny for my own thoughts.
i want to stay in NgeeAnn Poly.
thou' will not quit school or give up on my diploma.
thou' will fight hard against the accounting entries & balance sheets, calculations and formulas..
lastly thou' will pass all modules.
been lucky to have damn nice tutors.
heard of plenty fucked-ups.
like tht BLOODY old BITCH with GROSSLY RED specs
who screamed, screeched & made a fucking fuss when we reached late today. super throw face can?
not us for i don't give a flying fuck.
pity her, everyone knows she's into non-stop pms now.
i am so thankful to my tutors luh.
Sue Tan, Tan Geok Kian, Geraldine Leow, TGH.
BEST. =)
gdnight world, off to join my Baby in slumber.
promised on phone a while ago.
gonna find & hug him in his lalaland.
<3 love.