Luke 6:31
Do to others as you would have them do to you.
Do to others as you would have them do to you.
It's a small, small world really. If your heart cannot settle; if it is on a constant search for a mountain higher than the last... be single. It's as simple as that.
If you don't want to log on and see your partner engaging in certain conversations, don't do it. If you can't appreciate their ambiguous friendships from all over, don't do it. And if cheating is bad integrity why do we ourselves tread that thin line?
I know amid these wasted relationships I'm hearing about, beautiful ones exist. I've seen them. It is still my belief that when we love unselfishly, we will receive trust and find the love well-deserved.
Earlier today I woke up tearing to S's message. It isn't my relationship to feel so sad about. But something about her words - her affirmative heartbrokenness - and my love for the other person she spoke of, made me depressed. There was love but now irredeemably breached. The thought of my favourite person acknowledging this in loss, I couldn't and wouldn't show her the text.
How important it is to be with somebody who will go the distance whenever. How important to discern that.