Good things start with G: Giving
"It's your boyfriend tee baby"
Followed by my favorite smile in the whole wide world. Kept it as instructed hehe.
Not that long ago, I thought I had nothing but goals to work for. Mere goals with no inherent meaning but independence and wealth. Words cannot describe how blessed I'm feeling now. To have him to look forward to in my achievements.
While it is unknown how long we must (sincerely) give, or to how many wrong persons we gotta give to before receiving a prize that's worthy of what was invested, we should always give. Hmm I think I can relate to that. But this moment here is God's gift to me. And it does feel like a bigger present than anything I've ever given out.
Thus, giving in my perception is really an act of faith. I'm still giving anyway except that I am much happier now.