Sunday, April 5

Sometimes life or God, has unexpected ways of showing up with a plan.

Bernice introduced us. I had thought she was being kuku and too enthusiastic haha. I wasn't interested in the idea. But who would think at the juncture of heartache, I'd find a relationship like no other.

During my lowest point I was lucky to have him around. It was supremely easy to be together, doing things we both liked, getting my mind off what teared me up at nights. At the beginning it kinda felt like I was gripping myself tight so as not to spiral back into pain when this man leaves. Strangely, there is little pain left.

He attempted my favorite Jay Chou song 枫 so high others never want to sing it cause their voices broke. He practiced it by looping all day long. Brought me to places I never thought I'll be at and let me into his secret (that he only ever showed his mom). He took care of me when we drank, never tried anything else but to try and understand me better. He asked questions, never tiring of my replies. Held my hand in car rides everywhere and that was the best part, sitting beside him as he drove the roads. :>

Two hours before flight he came over to spend his last moments here with me. Thank you for your precious time. For promises that you needn't put in place, and keeping to them thus far. Thank you for taking a chance on someone like me - with baggage all.

It's true that a lot of people stereotype 'pilots' in a very bad light. Over the past month I learnt this the hard way. Some friends warned with examples. Others raised disapproval. While he didn't jump to his own defense he said "Thanks for speaking up for me. I can only gain your trust slowly. And when I come back they're going to be proven wrong." I remember how deeply that moment touched my heart. Unfazed look in his eyes, that warmth of fingers curling around mine.

Distance and time apart changes things. To be absolutely honest, I remain skeptical. I'm just contented to have met him. Our meeting helped me understand a crucial logic. There will be obstacles in building every relationship. In this case - time. With so little time, we gave what we could to know each other. It happened only because both of us chose the same, even with that same impossible obstacle in mind.

And that's most important isn't it?

Yes what we have (had) might falter or disappear in time to come. After all one year is a fairly long time. I wouldn't blame him nor myself. But right now I've chosen to go with the flow. As far as I am concerned this man's a keeper and in life, I sometimes believe in taking beautiful risks.

I haven't felt this blissful in a long, long time. It almost brought me to tears when my best friends commented I look 'damn happy'. If they tell me that, well I really must be. So thank youu G. May you fulfill your biggest dream. Have fun driving in the air 'with less traffic' lol and stay very safe! I will see you in a blink of an eye Capt Liang! Though like you said, I am your Captain horrrr hehe. :o)