Thursday, September 25

Upward momentum. 

But two months ago... I kind of lost my drive. I didn't feel like going to the office, much less meeting prospects. Even when I worked it was to be accountable to my mentor and colleagues. I literally dragged myself everywhere. The deadline for GELAC - November. So I let 2 months slide past like that, wrapped up in my pathetic emotions. I am furiously making up for it now (though it may be too late). In any case I'm thankful to have the best people to work alongside with. Every day, they remind me how close I am. We count credit points and complain but at the end of the day we stick to this chase together.

 And I also have the cutest boss. :>
Today he said "Fine. I take one inversion one with you." 

Bits and pieces of every day life.


A client from door-knocking gave me her whole fridge of water. She insisted I take all three bottles. I must have looked really bloody thirsty, because I was HAHA. This made my day!

OK real pictures *hur hur* up soon.