Sunday, May 4

Malacca the bakery.

Nope. Not the delish biscuits, tau sar piah or pineapple tarts. It's the scorching sun in Malacca that BAKES everything in sight. We (navigating) humans on the streets had it worst. No wind, no shelter from trees! The drive takes up to 2.5 hours excluding checkpoint jam. Some stretches of completely dark roads and we would have definitely lost our way if it wasn't for Chelly's free roaming GPS. The signs are almost non-existent.
Other than that it was a splendid day trip!
 The Sterling Melaka by Gloria

Queued almost an hour for the famous mille crepes
at Nadeje Patisserie Cafe. Textured in its layers and taste!
I'm not a fan of sweet food though so both were just alright to me.
I can't even appreciate macarons hahaha.
What I really, really liked...... we settled for crabs 'dinner' at 01:30AM. Went back again the next night!

 Day 1: Salted egg crab
 Day 2: Salted egg crab with milk
Omg the CRABS were fantastic. Fleshy and full of flavor yum yumm. And I should seriously cut down on my rice intake because just the first night, the shop owners were horrified enough to tell Punkie “下次不要带饭桶来,她吃光我们的饭 哈哈哈。” HE THINKS HE IS FUNNY!! ;(

Punkie thumbs up
Err hello kitty tak boleh

 This antiques shop was dammmn dusty which is good right?
They had an amazing collection!

Found vintage vinyl players!!

Jonker Street
Check out the mad queue under blazing heat for chicken balls.
No we didn't.
Favorite shot a picture of pigeons and their homies.

Teddy dog I fell in love with hee hee.
So we made the most of our one night stay with lots of relax therapy such as translucent bath screening, channel flipping and DIY facial. It's been more than a decade since we stayed over together. Squeezing into bed like when we were young only that there's lesser space now. We've matured and probably changed in some ways over time but bloods always love. It is the only relation that never forsakes. No matter what. ♥♥
With that #selfie hype going on we need to contribute to society.
P.S. Click to zoom/save image dears.

5 minutes...



Ready for bed

During the trip we had a close brush with perhaps death.
We assumed the street to be one-way and very nearly
crashed into a speeding Malaysian car head-on.
Thank God we avoided the collision by mere inches.
This is my Punkie. Our only driver who got us home safely.
Thank you for keeping awake. I'll rotate to help drive the next road trip. (;
Our closest kin.
To be present while going through similar phrases.
Now grown-ups whom are technically the same kids at heart.
We still give our stuffed toys funny names.
Pit them against each other. Elephant vs Bulldog. HAHAHA!
I'm always glad to have you Chelly. (:
Random shots from Punkie's phone.
(P.P.S. LOL I apologize for my whole outfit. It was unplanned. I wore my sister's pyjama pants because the last time I wore shorts I got ugly tanlines. The hat was grabbed out of desperation for RM10. They kept laughing at me apparently I look like a Japanese tourist pfffft.)

 Hydrating with water while she hydrates with cigarettes.
Punkie proudly titles this: Japanese tourist and the Yakuza. Haha. 
* *
OK back to work tomorrow.
GE mates have been door knocking even on Labor Day. 
I needa catch up!