Thursday, May 29

HAHAHAHAHHA what the shit 2007.

Colleagues, mentor and friends (!!) question me all the time. Why haven't I touched my warm market? How do I sell without leveraging on it? Warm market is a target audience or potential customer base with which we already have some form of relationship i.e. friends or acquaintances. It is supposedly the easiest way out at the beginning of any sales business.
The friends that have bought from me came to me of their own accord. For that I'm immensely grateful. But my comfort zone until this moment, strange as it may be, has been with strangers. There's a sense of satisfaction when people who have zero reason to listen, buy from or believe in me actually do.
I have been told each day that I do not approach my friends, they will be approached. I stand to lose out in the long run. It is true. Still, I didn't want to depend on my friends to help achieve my first year sales. To pressurize them to 'support' just because I know I can. I told myself I'd delve into warm market only when I am equipped with knowledge, confident and realistically capable of taking care of their well-being.
We can neither control the stereotype insurance agents get nor change people's perception of salespeople. But at the least I'm working hard to make sure my friends see sincerity, not desperation. Clydey who has been a great motivation in down times texted these words today. And I'm really going to keep this in mind.
How damn right.
To have good long-time friends giving 100% support despite being competitors in the same business, such a blessing. :)