Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus
While watching Son of God I wasn't expecting the tears that started rolling during scenes of Jesus's crucifixion. I don't call myself a Christian. I'm not baptised. Neither do I go to Sunday church nor pray regularly. In recent years, my faith grew substantially as He showed me the light in many incidences where hope was difficult or not even possible.
But I strongly believe.... that believing in Jesus is a calling. You find it for yourself. Christianity gets such a bad name because of Christians themselves. All that self-righteousness and invoking 'fear' into non-believers, I think it hardens their heart and reinforces already negative ideas about the religion.
I have seen and I have felt. Believing in Jesus came naturally to me. He makes me a better person and that in my opinion, is the true purpose of religion. We cannot be forcing others who hasn't opened their minds to see the same thing.
Jesus > Religion
Jefferson Bethke says it all.
Because the problem with religion is it never gets to the core
It's just behavior modification like a long list of chores
Let's dress up the outside, make things look nice and neat
It's funny cause that's what they do to mummies
While the corpse rots underneath
One thing I think is vital to mention
How Jesus and religion are on opposite spectrums
One is the work of God, one is a man-made invention,
One is the cure and one is the infection
Because Religion says do, Jesus says done
Religion says slave, Jesus says son
Religion puts you in shackles but Jesus sets you free
Religion makes you blind, but Jesus lets you see