Tuesday, June 18

Focus, take another shot
A very lengthy post.

Been down-in-the-dumps over the weekend.
Allergy attack again. This time I'm determined not to take the magic antibiotics.
Which also means one of the worst recurrences ever.
It was tempting to reach out to the pills, ease all discomfort in my eyes and skin.
Nope. "You need to recover on your own immune system." That's what I kept telling myself.

Past days were tough as hell not knowing what triggers, what really helps. 
People think it is already habit or 'in-me' to eat leaves and stalks and all things green.
I want to tell them how much discipline it takes to abstain from my favorite seafood (prawns!),
milk and I've even cut down on my cannot-do-without white carbs (rice! pasta!).
Where's the joy in living when I used to be able to eat like a monster?
I loved being a monster. Punkie calls me that since I never fail to amaze her with my appetite.

Sometimes I get tired of a clean diet and gymming for health's sake only to still face this.
I develop unkind thoughts.
Why do others who smoke three packs of cigarettes a day, drink alcohol, don't ever exercise,
regularly feast on fried food and unhealthy snacks enjoy great skin and optimum health with no effort at all?
I'm not complaining about life being unfair.
It just makes someone like me feel stupid to be trying so damn hard.

But two years ago I began to realize self-reflection brings us further than complaining.
I don't like to whine. It essentially doesn't help with anything.
People will empathise with you.
They wouldn't understand though, simply because it is indeed

So I've always been grateful to God.
When baptized Christians preach God is good you will never see me disagree.
I may have grown up in a traumatic childhood environment
but (and that's a very important but) He blessed me with a supportive dad and a doting sister.
I do believe that with every bad that happens, God puts two good back in our lives.

For being my greatest inspiration.
Of course girlfriends are as important in keeping my head up.
Glad that Dee and I spend about an hour+ catching up almost every morning.
My earliest hour, her bedtime routine!
Works both ways, thank you too (:

Along with closer ones whom I confide (not complain ah hahaha) in... Fel baby, Xgbb, Ivy, TBG, Chelly.
Appreciate their long texts to remind me things will get better.

I think it is being able to identify the littlest good in life even though the bad is overwhelming.
You'd be surprised how drawing faith from the littlest good actually turns a bad situation around.
I am slightly better today already.
Now for a picture of scrumptious delight.....

Good enough yay