Friday, February 8


Reading all of your SMS/WA wishes makes me smile! 
So thank you my lovelies. Haven't logged onto FB though. 
I honestly prefer the important, close friends to message or whatsapp
and so far every year they have been doing exactly that teeheehe. 

Still a humongous thanks to everyone who remembered. I'm seriously no good at birthdays either.
But this year I have already noted the V.I.P. birthdays in Mr Moleskine!!

ah drawn by Terence (damn gay hahah) | from Nat baby^^!

Anyway on a side 'special day' note, check this out...


Totoqueen in action. I bought 10$ worth of chance, not much 
but hello birthday angel please let me win some gold okay.
I am not greedy, eh I give you half price, 2.5 mil SGD enough!

Set? Set.
This is going to sound contradictory after I just wrote about TOTO. 
I might not have a lot yes but I have almost everyone I need - to get me through what's lacking.
Because of that, happy birthday to me. (: