Reading all of your SMS/WA wishes makes me smile!
So thank you my lovelies. Haven't logged onto FB though.
I honestly prefer the important, close friends to message or whatsapp
and so far every year they have been doing exactly that teeheehe.
and so far every year they have been doing exactly that teeheehe.
Still a humongous thanks to everyone who remembered. I'm seriously no good at birthdays either.
But this year I have already noted the V.I.P. birthdays in Mr Moleskine!!
ah drawn by Terence (damn gay hahah) | from Nat baby^^!
Anyway on a side 'special day' note, check this out...
Totoqueen in action. I bought 10$ worth of chance, not much
but hello birthday angel please let me win some gold okay.
I am not greedy, eh I give you half price, 2.5 mil SGD enough!
Set? Set.
This is going to sound contradictory after I just wrote about TOTO.
I might not have a lot yes but I have almost everyone I need - to get me through what's lacking.
Because of that, happy birthday to me. (: