Parting is part and parcel of life.
♥ Z-E-L-I-A ♥
♥ Z-E-L-I-A ♥
31st December. Our last day with Zelia.
Quite a heavy feeling to send her home... after six years.
Woke up especially early to spend some time. We played her newest toy 'garbage truck' together!
Mom took on the role of babysitting Z since she was a month's old. Can you imagine?
And look how she's grown up, all ready to step into primary one.
I will always miss her chubby fingers running across my face every morning.
Yessss that's how she wakes me up. Super duper cute!!
I still remember years ago an ex-boyfriend enlisted into army so I came home teary and uh, elmo.
There she was -- a little toddler who had just learnt to walk, stumbling towards me...
both hands stretched out to give a warm comforting hug. Aaahh.
both hands stretched out to give a warm comforting hug. Aaahh.
She must have felt the sadness, because she kept on smiling at me.
Then she magically used her baby fingers to rub away the wetness around my eyes.
Then she magically used her baby fingers to rub away the wetness around my eyes.
Till date that day remains as my favorite moment with her. :*D
She's seen me, or rather us (unpleasant quarrels with the Mom) through good and horrible times.
I have a bad habit of asking her every day "Zelia you loveeee me or not? How much?".
(By the way this only applies to children, not lovers. Hello I am not that insecure la haha!)
She hates it when I block her cartoons on purpose.
I do that because she's engrossed in her show and ignores my daily stupid question.
I do that because she's engrossed in her show and ignores my daily stupid question.
She loves it when I put her on my lap and we watch Hi-5 together.
She loves it when I sing and pat her to sleep.
She loves it when I teach her how to count 1-10 in Japanese while she,
in turn, teaches me 1-10 in Spanish AISEH (obviously from Dora the Explorer).
in turn, teaches me 1-10 in Spanish AISEH (obviously from Dora the Explorer).

Crybaby teehee
See the smudged liner?!
Yes yes this was during my favorite moment. :*D
Pardon the worn-out face, taken 2 minutes after I flew out of bed.
♥ Z-E-L-I-A ♥
I hope you do very well Z baby.
I wish the best for you, that you'll make kind friends, acquire good knowledge,
be blessed with forever-happy family and a bright future ahead. (: