Been running about the past two days, I am surprised I've accomplished everything!
2. Collect antibiotics NSC
3. Pluck brows
4. Collect jeans from Bishan
5. Design resume
6. Sync i-phone5 hahahaha this is mega procrastination
7. Hunt Christmas goodies for family
8. Catchup with Weiwei
9. Christmas celebration with TBG
10. Get screen protector & Xmas wrappers
11. Sportswear & shoes
My latest hideout? Novena. Hahaha heyy it is not ulu igloo.
I discovered a shop that sells all sorts of unique rings – damn ancient style.
Ivy and I behaved like two cheapskates buying vegetables at good price.
Square 2 is the best. The top level is a food paradise.
Dinner with long lost Guanwei after um four years.
Still that good-natured charismatic fellow and freaking funny.
Taught us how to prepare for interviews and be wary of workplace scams.
Haha I am happy to see him doing so well. Thanks for the treat Dummy.
But ah, manners ah.
Over the evening he repeated two lines to me like 456 times....
"You haven't changed at all. After so long! So short."
"Just order. I know you jin gao jiak. Wah, really jin gao jiak."
... and this morning I found a JGJ in my inbox. :| -_ -
Today The BeeGees had Christmas dinner at Tung Lok Signatures.
The whole world was at Vivocity. I arrived in a foul mood due to the crazy jam.
Seeing my favorite girlfriends turned the night around!!
Although it hasn't been the most awesome year I know we'll always grow old together. :D
The dishes? Dessert? Yummy.
Okay wheeeee done syncing my i5.
I am going to bed.
p/s I am sorry to myself for the repetitive, emotional posts sometimes.
I wish I could blog breezy every day. But it is the way it is.
p/s I am sorry to myself for the repetitive, emotional posts sometimes.
I wish I could blog breezy every day. But it is the way it is.