Its been years amazingly my account is still active.
Can't say the same for Friendster, now a lameass social gaming site.
And so look what I found....
Didn't bother scrolling through. The first page is enough to make me belch.
I almost fell off my chair though hahahaha!!
Could scratch my head a million times and not find an answer.
A few creative ones, what they should expect:

I'd rather respond to a 'hey there =)'
I'd rather respond to a 'hey there =)'
that is if Im absolutely bored and you don't look like a perv (well trust me 9 out of 10 do)
and it appears we share mutual friends/interests
and the profile looks aCcEpTabLe--this is not by the way.......
and the profile looks aCcEpTabLe--this is not by the way.......
and photo albums aren't 205 pictures of your flexed abs or shady sunglasses.
Tip! Don't be overly desperate to come across as different.
Keep it simple. Being genuine shouldn't require complex words.
Guffffffaw these fellas made my day. <;B
Tip! Don't be overly desperate to come across as different.
Keep it simple. Being genuine shouldn't require complex words.
Guffffffaw these fellas made my day. <;B