Remember saying I'll post this but never did.
My favorite electric guitarist.
'Formal' message. From him its cutest--I swear cutest ever.
Reading it makes my heart melt.
But it also makes my eyes tingle with sadness.
This, is exactly why I've come to like you
so much so myself found it hard to believe.
Really one of a kind.
I'll definitely miss you.
I know it because you're still here and I feel that lil tug.
My favorite electric guitarist.
'Formal' message. From him its cutest--I swear cutest ever.
Reading it makes my heart melt.
But it also makes my eyes tingle with sadness.
This, is exactly why I've come to like you
so much so myself found it hard to believe.
Really one of a kind.
I'll definitely miss you.
I know it because you're still here and I feel that lil tug.

Im thankful enough our paths even crossed.
Would never trade the chance for anything in the world.
And yes, probably no one checks in here anymore so....
wedding pictures for you sta*ker Bammbam.
Our marriage very rocking, very havoc. I likeeee.