Wednesday, September 21

My paternal grandmother passed on yesterday.
Semi-conscious for almost half a year and physically unresponsive,
Im actually glad her pain's now relieved.
Surely it isn't comfortable to be put on a drip that long.

Daddypops seems fine.
They have known for some time nothing can be done.
Goodbye Novena-Ahma.

Up at 0530 to complete 2.5k major essay.
2,500 words doesn't seem like much yea thats what I thought.
But when you gotta back up an argument with different theories, 
all making enough sense, well not so easy.

This is what happens when Microsoft Word becomes your best friend.

OHHH and after more than two years....
I realize I do have a webcam on my comp!!
Bahahaha duper fun because I use it to practise funny faces
then award points to myself for creativity.
Of course! They shall remain in my private collection.

Lennie seeking attention.
(My bedtime mates are alive to me so Imma highlight their names.)


Friends aren't just there based on their own circumstances,
they're there based on yours.
Thought about this in the morning and hell how true.
Mega random post.
Okay big breakfast's here! Laters!
Scrambled eggs w/ ketchup nope I am not gross.