Hahaha. Yep this is the title post.
Hahaha. Yep this is the title post.
I am finally going to write about my birthday.
February it was but looking at the photos makes me feel truly blessed to have them in life.
Close as we are, our clique hardly celebrates birthdays, it will presumably be spent with special ones.
(We all had partners, still do except for me of course!)
♥♥♥ TBG ♥♥♥
I could use a wish right now, wish right now ~~
They waited

They waited
um hey!?? Making 3 wishes takes a bit of time....
Overwhelmed by greed. Har har.
Overwhelmed by greed. Har har.
Yins darl.
Nat ki.
Tis' the spread
OZMG YUMMY. Ordered two servings. :O
Main courses
The food wasn't exactly fantastic (again),
better than my previous choice of red snapper though.
Guess what?
We decided that the items WITHOUT recommendations are the ones you should select when at House.
Seriously! They were all good.
Red snapper had a big red heart. And strange taste I won't even classify as exotic.
Qing dear. Yes, we know Swatch is blinding. Haha.
My favorite girlys. Almost a decade of friendship. :D
We'll grow old together, ultimately become
grey-haired fans of maggi goreng and chillack sessions.
Playing dimwit with Yins's i4.
Thank you for bustling my birthday. Especially this year.
It really means a lot to me. XOXOXOXOXOXO
psII: Being festive and in the mood,
psII: Being festive and in the mood,
I extended my hand to greet them Happy Chinese New Year,
but sigh I got the same ( -_-) from all three. No manners right??
都这么熟了还要握手! Or so they said.
I forced them to return the handshake anyway. Hahahaha.
but sigh I got the same ( -_-) from all three. No manners right??
都这么熟了还要握手! Or so they said.
I forced them to return the handshake anyway. Hahahaha.
Home on my exact birth-day rushing a report.
There was submission due, how pathetic right.
Nahhshit cause Monstermom and I ordered Sarpino's to share!

There was submission due, how pathetic right.
Nahhshit cause Monstermom and I ordered Sarpino's to share!
Double Pepperoni. All-time fave.
Just the picture is tempting my stomach.
zzzzzzzzzzz crap, drooling already.