Laura Marling, Brit musician I can really relate to.
That much I cried. You should hit this twice.
One for her spellbinding performance, another for the lyrics.
I know I said I love you, but I'm thinking I was wrong
I'm the first to admit that I'm still pretty young
And I never meant to hurt you when I wrote you ten love songs.
That guy that I could never get, 'cause his girlfriend was pretty fit
And everyone who knew her loved her so
Well I made you leave her for me and now I'm feeling pretty mean
But my mind has fucked me over more times than any man could ever know.
Maybe I should give up, give in.
Give up trying to be thin.
Give up and turn into my mother
God knows I love her.
But I'm sorry to which ever man should meet my sorry state
Watch my steady lonesome gait, and be aware
I will never love a man 'cause love and pain go hand in hand
And I can't do it, again.
So we stayed up late one night to try and get our problems right
But I couldn't get into his head just what was going through my mind
Think he knew where I was going 'cause he put Ryan Adams on
I think he thinks it makes me weak but it only ever makes me strong
I've got this friend who sounds just like him
Now he's the man I'd leave you for, the man that I just adore like you.
The same man he turns to me
He said "I got to tell you how I feel, if god could make the perfect girl for me it would be you."
And my god told me not to tell about how much do you love your fella
I don't know more everyday
Not in this new romantic way.
I'll always be your first love
You'll always be my first love.
I will never love a man 'cause I could never hurt a man
Not in this new romantic way.
I promised noncommitment till this independence is deep-rooted.
And with the past months of dissecting life under a microscope
I have become a (perhaps scarily) self-sufficient person.
It is too true.
"We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone." Orson Welles
We can and we will still make sacrifices,
as long as we know there is no obligation to receive the same, we are self-sufficient.
I've taken control of my happiness for a while now.
Reset my thoughts instead of faulting the people responsible for my emotions.
Truthfully speaking.... no one is.
Been on the phone a lot with my girls. I used to be in their place.
The calls somehow affirm I am on the right track.
Relationships complement us. Even then, that is the best it gets.
A wise friend said, love loses appeal when love becomes work.
There is absolutely no reason to place expectations on any one person.
Not a partner, not friends, not family. You are your own homeground.
This segmented mindset's my newfound realization.
Being self-sufficient is so important. It frees the unnecessary priorities.
That said! I'll always believe in love and be eager to give,
how shall I say.... I arrived on Earth with such hope. Haha. :b
But I'd keep in mind never to cripple myself without it.