Me: .....was such an asshole! *rambling on*
Dad (mega confused face): What's asshole?
10 sec later Dad regains focus: Orrrrrrh, asshole.
Hahahahaha priceless.
"I don't use such language it needs some time to process."
25hrs out with just 2 hrs shuteye the night before is no joke.
Fell into a deep sleep and for once I had nil dreams.
Yep yesterday was hell productive.
Met Isa for breakfast, rehearsed a little, guided walk (mad relief when over).
I hate me for fearing public speaking so much.
Seems juvenile having anxiety attack when everyone else is chill pill.
Initial plan of rushing home to KO tossed away
because while eating w my classmates, movie sounded good.
Haha. Impromptu bonding. Like!
Time Crisis2 is extinct already sigh.
Some arcade fun before TAB.
Credits to Sneaky Sylvia. ;)
Chillz to acc Xg for some beer but nope no alcohol for me.
It'd have made me cranky way earlier.
Anyway Iam starting to appreciate a sober head.
Overdose of drinks during that rough period and
'hanging over' every other weekend didn't help lessen my pain at all.
Endnote. My father is really very cute.