Back from Drey's, all set for 3 fruitful home-days!
Will be headed to gym, reading up on lects and sleeping early.
Bedtime at 4-5am over the weekends boo. Eyebags kill kill kill.
Imna bounce off at 10PM tonight!!
Been googling brands for a sch assignment
and I think Im falling in love with advertising.
Spent the afternoon watching tons of brilliant ads..
the funny, the fail, the famous (Heineken) bla bla.
Will share my favorite by Sapporo Beer Japan:
It's neither hilarious nor loud if you get what I mean
but the beauty of CGI speaks enough to the audience.
I kind of enjoyed the scrolling motion...
almost like various paintings coming to life. Cool.
Plus Sapporo happens to be my current favorite!
Yeay extremely smooth, easy to drink beer.
Thumbs up (both the ad and product).
蜡笔小新 Pops HAHAHA!
Dinner at Plaza Sing.
The man we'll always love. (:
The man we'll always love. (:
Sissy stole our small-head genes and left me w Tweetybird's template.
No fair!
No fair!
On a side note I finally cleared out my room. Hooray.
Amount of dust wiped off that fateful day__ unbelievable.
Masked the sensitive face, still developed a slight rash zz.

Amount of dust wiped off that fateful day__ unbelievable.
Masked the sensitive face, still developed a slight rash zz.

But see!? Spick-and-span!! Heheh
Music Corner/Arts, Craft & Languages/Study Desk.
Hmmmm now all my little haven lacks is a dam TELEVISION.
1995 Ch8 dramas showing at 2am, I can fall asleep to those.
Sheeok! Anyone?
ps: Iam re-activating my Flickr account soon
so please bear with mini photos recently.
Music Corner/Arts, Craft & Languages/Study Desk.
Hmmmm now all my little haven lacks is a dam TELEVISION.
1995 Ch8 dramas showing at 2am, I can fall asleep to those.
Sheeok! Anyone?
ps: Iam re-activating my Flickr account soon
so please bear with mini photos recently.