Wednesday, December 10

# 201

because humans.
they like to wag tongues, point fingers
based on hearsay.

so when peace is broken
i fight first to defend my stand
i want people to believe me,
i need them to hear the story.
i need them to hear my part of the story.
because i am faultless.....
or am i really?

this time round, i keep silence
woes upon myself late into the night.
i don't want to share with anyone
i don't need friends to back me up
or say things to make me feel better.

loneliness is my best company.
it is not disruptive and it lets me think.
of course, it is also not of much help at all
even though i threaten to drown
under the weight of my wet pillow.
it lets me cry-dry my tears-cry-dry my tears
until those puffy eyes fall asleep.

i've said my piece to the one that matters.
i will deal with the rest on my own.