i delayed writing because of
Absolute Boyfriend the J-drama.
know i'm quite slow to complete this
but first caught it when episodes were undone...
lazy to check back until a few days ago.
weird aye, i prefer Soshi to the Robot!

but first caught it when episodes were undone...
lazy to check back until a few days ago.
weird aye, i prefer Soshi to the Robot!
another mix entry
of visuals from August September.
not that recent either HAHA!
of visuals from August September.
not that recent either HAHA!

salons always give you false hope...
day after and the volume is all gone! :(
at 925 Yishun coffee shop
had Fish noodles with added milk.
with my Lilover
Yishun is central for Baby and I
so we frequent even the arcade there
for cheap $1 thrills like basketball machines
and i swear their brand name is HOTSHOT lol!
so we frequent even the arcade there
and i swear their brand name is HOTSHOT lol!
hahahahaaha all in one place. (:
for a period of time
we also stayed home to challenge
whereby i won Baby once out of numerous times.
we enjoyed good food at Chomp Chomp
i remember being very hungry that night,
with the eggs and prawns i MUST consume every day.
i am going to blame a lot of it on Baby though,
since he does not eat the oysters in our oyster omelette
and therefore they all enter my stomach in the end.
17 August 2008
was 18 Months of Love
at Changing Appetites Marina Square.
it was an awesome celebration,
a lovely ANNI-DAY with Baby :D
of my superb Salmon-Bacon Wrap dish! damn
go go go try it you Salmon lovers!
two-thirds of Lilover's off days are spent like this:
Rounding Rounding,
we became involved somewhere in August.
here's captures from one of the earlier sessions.
you know, upon further observation
woaah this is such an artistic shot!
it seemingly depicts a very lonely shadow
against two other person's feet -
a couple standing close together.
quite sad right? i ve amazing analytical skills!
my constant night Girlfriend. hee
Snow White riding her sports bike.
with her 7-in-1 Dwarf as pillion HAHA!
we indulge in fat ass suppers,
we explore scary hangouts,
we chit chat about whatever till dawn,
we play pool and we have windswept hair,
we share the amount of mosquito damages
and and much more together.
love you Felicia! ♥
Baby bought me a pouch for mp3,
a significance one...
it looks like my lil elephant Tuffy!
so i had to take a picture of comparison,
a significance one...
it looks like my lil elephant Tuffy!
so i had to take a picture of comparison,