life's been quite alright.
officially graduated from Ngee Ann Polytechnic.
apart from job hunting and random dates with Girlfriends,
Baby's rare off-days are spent with him on rounding trips
whereby Supper is always the kick, i indulge in yummy food!
zillionsssss of backdates to write about
though i am lazy to blog these days.
edited the template, changed the reds away
hoping it might motivate.
here's visuals from July
a Sunday at Pops apt for swimming.
officially graduated from Ngee Ann Polytechnic.
apart from job hunting and random dates with Girlfriends,
Baby's rare off-days are spent with him on rounding trips
whereby Supper is always the kick, i indulge in yummy food!
zillionsssss of backdates to write about
though i am lazy to blog these days.
edited the template, changed the reds away
hoping it might motivate.
here's visuals from July
a Sunday at Pops apt for swimming.
confident they love me exactly the way i am!
cannot be bothered to dress or make up blah, anddd
Baby's RDS cap is savior on such days lol.
more recent shots of us
Prawning at Pasir Ris Park.
i was ineffective for hours,
until the Uncle actually gave me a Fish bait instead
to help me break my zero record HAHAAH!!
& less than 5 minutes i got my very first Prawn! :O

tasted a bit raw to me. gonna bring marinating sauce in future.
prawnnnnns - i enjoy them but not their cholesterol. :(
gotta prep for the Weekend already.
have fun friends!