yayy thanks to long bus/train journeys
i 've finally completed Carol Smith's Fatal Attraction!
(what a gifted author who shares my first name lol) :O
disillusioned people around us can be inner-psychos
scary thing is, nobody actually realizes it.
yes i have been geekfully reading a lot
therefore no spare time to blog.
School today's fun with Cross Levels again,
this time even higher attendance at lunch.
ohhh after 123459 years Mak resurfaced finally! (:
at 6:00PM
had to practically draggggg my feet to Artchemist
being drained from tutorials + location's at Lavenderrr
... zZzzzzzzzzzzzzz
but contrary to what i had expected
Singing with a hilarious teacher like Hideaki is fun
&& of course my friendly mates make it all better too!
had SQM briefing at Meritus Mandarin Hotel.
then off to meet BigSis, to accompany her study!
which we didn't; ayye movie we did. HAHAHA
P.S: Sorry for the 2 hours wait Darling. :(

those curly perms trimmed away.
Bubbled Tea.
other randoms captured,,

caught The Other Boleyn Girl which was good
if you don't bother about historical accuracies.
that Anne Boleyn is fucking consumed by greed!
for how unfeeling she was towards her own Sister
also single-handedly caused her Brother's tragic ending,
i am glad King Henry VIII did not spare her life. ;[
i think its a real pity
if one isn 't close to his/her siblings at all.
because to me they are like gems,
no lesser than the Parents.
and i'm honestly thankful to have a Sister
to catch me when i fall through in life. :*D
not everyone has the equal privilege to enjoy
such closeness between brothers, or sisters.
love love!
i 've finally completed Carol Smith's Fatal Attraction!
(what a gifted author who shares my first name lol) :O
disillusioned people around us can be inner-psychos
scary thing is, nobody actually realizes it.
yes i have been geekfully reading a lot
therefore no spare time to blog.
School today's fun with Cross Levels again,
this time even higher attendance at lunch.
ohhh after 123459 years Mak resurfaced finally! (:
at 6:00PM
had to practically draggggg my feet to Artchemist
being drained from tutorials + location's at Lavenderrr
... zZzzzzzzzzzzzzz
but contrary to what i had expected
Singing with a hilarious teacher like Hideaki is fun
&& of course my friendly mates make it all better too!
had SQM briefing at Meritus Mandarin Hotel.
then off to meet BigSis, to accompany her study!
which we didn't; ayye movie we did. HAHAHA
P.S: Sorry for the 2 hours wait Darling. :(
other randoms captured,,
caught The Other Boleyn Girl which was good
if you don't bother about historical accuracies.
that Anne Boleyn is fucking consumed by greed!
for how unfeeling she was towards her own Sister
also single-handedly caused her Brother's tragic ending,
i am glad King Henry VIII did not spare her life. ;[
i think its a real pity
if one isn 't close to his/her siblings at all.
because to me they are like gems,
no lesser than the Parents.
and i'm honestly thankful to have a Sister
to catch me when i fall through in life. :*D
not everyone has the equal privilege to enjoy
such closeness between brothers, or sisters.
love love!