a rare genre of entry, Club Club Club...
past activity i have long taken a break from.
enthusiasm is no longer the same but well
i've missed such 'party high/shake ass' atmosphere.
so Baby and I visited Dbl O on a Thursday night
along with company of Clyde, Sherene, John
although the two of us reached there freaking early!
had some (2 hours) time to chill and snap visuals
view from the wooden seat we people-watched.

past activity i have long taken a break from.
enthusiasm is no longer the same but well
i've missed such 'party high/shake ass' atmosphere.
so Baby and I visited Dbl O on a Thursday night
along with company of Clyde, Sherene, John
although the two of us reached there freaking early!
had some (2 hours) time to chill and snap visuals
Clyde sent a sms saying he's not done at the IT Fair
hence at 11 o clock we ordered Bacardi to sip. HAHAH
i have no idea why i felt like Old Grandma there,
and we both appeared as losers trying to blend in.
4 percent alcohol isn't strong but enough to roll my blood.
i turned pink-faced after we emptied the bottle,
please pardon the many blurry photos following
and quite narcissistic too, if i could admit myself
not the first time, but but definitely one i enjoyed most. (:
just lying on his shoulders with Soulful music playing
hmmm... was comfy and nice despite the blasting cold.
i must capture a lot of moments to remember
Baby don't like clubbing and ive come to respect that.
still, being Top Boyfriend he is, surely there'll be more!
we got very bored as you can tell.
tsk tsk, i wasn't trying to act sexy here.
in case you gonna say i failed to achieve that look,
i cannot fail things i have never attempted.

a lil' spinning spinning in the mind.
after Bacardi Breezer (literally a Breeze)...
gosh tell me how lousy i am, or rather, we are!
headed outside for fresh air and we were sober again.
sang songs aloud, entertained ourselves for quite some time
with more visuals of course
heart my Pie Pie. :*D

taken by Love
i'm never a fan of Mascara, its awfully tedious to remove
yet for once i swiped a wee bit on, for the sake of it!
Droopy Droopy Droopy~
do you know Baby?
even Drinking & getting Drunk with you is such bliss,
its really amazing how anywhere is fine
as long as i have got you by me. :]

went back in to get a jug of Tequila Orange while waiting
before our friends finally marched into Dbl O slowly, lol.
we ordered mixers of Martini, Bourbon, Whiskey blah
and drank the stomachs full one after another...
didn't exactly notice the quantity each of us took,
i know myself started swaying more & more
people behind seemed like they were sort of lining up
to get unto the already packed dance floor by now.
from corner of my eye i saw, Boyfriend constantly on-straw
(& no i did not mean for above line to rhyme,)
at intervals i heard Clyde and John laughing like hyenas...
i was high, further delighted when Boyfriend started groovin'
he like Let-Loose completely HAHAHA, super cutesy
anyways we all danced danced danced, although
Baby and I were very unstable even clinging to each other.
'cause both of us were fucking tipsy
i blacked out several seconds,
Thank you to Sherene who held me when i walked crazy. :)
like the word 'intoxicated', totally.
pity we couldn't pull through to stay much longer,
skipped the yummy Bak Ku Teh supper we planned!
Baby was already wasted, alcohol effects set in on me too
i hate to puke shit in public but couldn't hold it back either...
especially with plenty of encouragement from Clyde & John,
lmao Thank you for taking care of us. :)
Farhan came down later to drive we Goners home,
Big Thank you to him! :)
needless to say, we had quite a hangover next morning
throbbing heads and myself, damn Sleepless.
i seemed to keep feeling that urge to vomit terrible,
couldn't differentiate if it was for real or in my dreams..
hell irking man. >:(
once in a dark blue moon, its cool though.
(i cannot say blue, else clubbing will be annual event!)
Thank you for accompanying me love,
a memory like that day isn't most important yes
but it makes me realize how you do try hard.
i honestly did enjoy myself holding your hands tight
on the dance floor although we were drunk
just knowing you were with me, and you've got my back
made it fun to jump around or flap my arms silly.
we suffered dizzy spells with colors together
i saw you puke then it made me want to do so too,
how we drank cups of plain water to flush away
just to realize in horror it too tastes like alcohol, haha
& falling into sleep with you patting my head gently.
am i glad i was sober enough to remember all these. (:
i love you so very much Baby Tart.
gee its 4:00am now, be waking up early.
had Oysters for dinner and tummy is queasy now.
uh oh
hence at 11 o clock we ordered Bacardi to sip. HAHAH
i have no idea why i felt like Old Grandma there,
and we both appeared as losers trying to blend in.
4 percent alcohol isn't strong but enough to roll my blood.
i turned pink-faced after we emptied the bottle,
please pardon the many blurry photos following
and quite narcissistic too, if i could admit myself

not the first time, but but definitely one i enjoyed most. (:
just lying on his shoulders with Soulful music playing
hmmm... was comfy and nice despite the blasting cold.
i must capture a lot of moments to remember
Baby don't like clubbing and ive come to respect that.
still, being Top Boyfriend he is, surely there'll be more!

in case you gonna say i failed to achieve that look,
i cannot fail things i have never attempted.
after Bacardi Breezer (literally a Breeze)...
gosh tell me how lousy i am, or rather, we are!
headed outside for fresh air and we were sober again.
sang songs aloud, entertained ourselves for quite some time
with more visuals of course

i'm never a fan of Mascara, its awfully tedious to remove
yet for once i swiped a wee bit on, for the sake of it!

even Drinking & getting Drunk with you is such bliss,
its really amazing how anywhere is fine
as long as i have got you by me. :]
went back in to get a jug of Tequila Orange while waiting
before our friends finally marched into Dbl O slowly, lol.
we ordered mixers of Martini, Bourbon, Whiskey blah
and drank the stomachs full one after another...
didn't exactly notice the quantity each of us took,
i know myself started swaying more & more
people behind seemed like they were sort of lining up
to get unto the already packed dance floor by now.
from corner of my eye i saw, Boyfriend constantly on-straw
(& no i did not mean for above line to rhyme,)
at intervals i heard Clyde and John laughing like hyenas...
i was high, further delighted when Boyfriend started groovin'
he like Let-Loose completely HAHAHA, super cutesy

drunk - (adjective)
1. a temporary state
in which one's physical and mental faculties
are impaired by an excess of alcoholic drinks;
but he PUKED 4-5 TIMES, & COULDN'T BALANCE ALONE!1. a temporary state
in which one's physical and mental faculties
are impaired by an excess of alcoholic drinks;
Baby cannot run away from Dictionary.com alright?
okay he didn't forget whatever happened the day after
okay he didn't forget whatever happened the day after
anyways we all danced danced danced, although
Baby and I were very unstable even clinging to each other.
'cause both of us were fucking tipsy
i blacked out several seconds,
Thank you to Sherene who held me when i walked crazy. :)
pity we couldn't pull through to stay much longer,
skipped the yummy Bak Ku Teh supper we planned!
Baby was already wasted, alcohol effects set in on me too
i hate to puke shit in public but couldn't hold it back either...
especially with plenty of encouragement from Clyde & John,
lmao Thank you for taking care of us. :)
Farhan came down later to drive we Goners home,
Big Thank you to him! :)
needless to say, we had quite a hangover next morning
throbbing heads and myself, damn Sleepless.
i seemed to keep feeling that urge to vomit terrible,
couldn't differentiate if it was for real or in my dreams..
hell irking man. >:(
once in a dark blue moon, its cool though.
(i cannot say blue, else clubbing will be annual event!)

a memory like that day isn't most important yes
but it makes me realize how you do try hard.
i honestly did enjoy myself holding your hands tight
on the dance floor although we were drunk
just knowing you were with me, and you've got my back
made it fun to jump around or flap my arms silly.
we suffered dizzy spells with colors together
i saw you puke then it made me want to do so too,
how we drank cups of plain water to flush away
just to realize in horror it too tastes like alcohol, haha
& falling into sleep with you patting my head gently.
am i glad i was sober enough to remember all these. (:
i love you so very much Baby Tart.
gee its 4:00am now, be waking up early.
had Oysters for dinner and tummy is queasy now.
uh oh