i'll set private limits to this blog too,
maybe after the celebrations.
for now its updatesssss!
maybe after the celebrations.
for now its updatesssss!
random shots taken
kitchen party was damn exasperating
but the end results of french toast... YUMMY!
& i think he looks hotter than the eggs. teehaw
during the Retail roadshow in school
she demanded my arm & engraved an icon of me
this "BIGHEAD" alien with very small body.. ._.
hahahaha i don't lurbx her anymore.
i don't even wanna remember how tht day ended.
nevertheless i still received a surprise at my doorstep
and it warmed my heart from within. :D
i love love love you Sweet Tart!

to support Baby in Funka Semi-rounds.
had a good lunch & catchup session!
she biked down to company me despite the rain,
much appreciated darling! (:
Sunday 2701/2008
Funkamania 2008 Finals
Youth Park to watch Tart give his all on-stage
(yes again!) this time with Ivy and Clyde. (:
i didn't manage to find a rock to climb unto
unlike Remix07, lucky i managed to squeeze in front!
because i must have appeared pathetic enough on tiptoe
so kind souls let me through.
can't see no shit from ground level i tell you.
strong competition, yet Baby's team TRADEMARK
no doubt emerged as Funka Xlll CHAMPIONS!
we've witness their victory a second time now. :)
recording of Trademark's performance
view: Mozilla Firefox
& i guarantee its even more impressive LIVE!
stage presence and all charismas exuding
vibration of the loud music below your feet...
only one word one gesture in my vocabulary
so i'd say "Sweeeee!!" (whistles*).
check similiarity!
walked Ivy to the bus stop while waiting for Baby,
with Clyde smoking stick after stick of smelly puffs
HAHA sorry lah i kept waving away the mist!
finally saw my Baby after a long wait.
times like these i feel that awful gap
of how we belong to two different worlds
& for some reason it hinders me, quite a lot,
from showing the hidden emotions i feel inside.
things like wanting to run to him with a big smile
knowing i'm really proud of what he has accomplished.
to melt away the fucking insecurities! :*D
ROFL Fasio make-up rouge, eyeshadow blahblah
& i dug them up like a hungry wolf thank you you!
especially Mingli from our NRA batch.
i remember we used to 38 about people
and until now after long she's still as friendly & nice. =)
hopefully her injury recovers soon to dance! one.bighug
after the hype hungry us decided Thomson
for Meng's Kitchen minced noodles with Clyde.
at the bus-stop
playing with Baby's winning blue glory.
they speak well for themselves
so no captions hurhur (=
you really did shine on stage
& i'm god damnnit proud of you!
sorry for everything i was not
throughout this trying period
bad patch but i'm even prouder to say,
we still made it together. :]
day after chiong-ed (ok thts a barbaric word) Yishun Polyclinic

and tomato is of significance. (:(:
otherwise with a dumbed-ass expression
it should have been in my laptop's recycle bin by now.
we so miss that place, so much that
we ordered our food in one greedy minute.
the usuals HEHEHE
okay signing off
with myself,
my love...
myself and my love.
okay signing off
with myself,
my love...
myself and my love.
you're like the burst of light
blinding all else with your presence
stay with me love.
blinding all else with your presence
stay with me love.