This is not too late. 12 days of
Merry-Making Christ'mas to all! : )
Smashing Christmas '07 will be up sometime later!
heres truckload of visuals from Weekends.
Saturday 22/12
headed over to Grand Aunt's for a visit
since it was yummy 'Tangyuan Festival'!
we had plans after so Tart accompanied me.
had a f-fabulous dinner there as usual and then
digested our food watching tv & eating tangyuans.

trained to town about late evening
to meet up with the rest for Hazel's surprise.
Ivan& Hazel, Clyde, Steph, Ivan's Cousin& Gf,
Hazel's Classmates and us.
walked around. they decided on Bugis for steamboat.
hahaha yeah although Baby & me were bloated already,
we still counted ourselves as one head to share.
food, food, food and more...

ugh the fishballs had fishy taste. ;(
so we sang the birthday song loud & proud
before she cut the melt-in-your-mouth chocolate cake.
omygod i ate freak'g hell a lot that day!
next, everyone else's chance to camwhore with birthday girl.
the couple. awww
Ivan bought her a humongous piglet toy haha.
our turn!!
i think Hazel's damn sweet in person. (:
Clyde& Steph.
group shots
SP Classmates.
everyone's prepared, the better picture.
anyways finished up at midnight
we were on the road each going separate ways,
when my silly Boyfriend made a deadly mistake
by jokingly nudging Clyde "ehhh Pub lah."
whereby his suggestion was taken into serious consideration
by Clyde, Steph..... and me. HAHAHA
in the end Baby gave in and just 6 of us
went over to Boat Quay's, on feet. ._.
tedious walking man& we stopped by Raffles Hotel
'cause of its pretty Christmas-y decor!
needless to say, must take one with Baby
who's awfully sweet tht day. ( :(:
stood outside a while having a hard time
capturing The Boys' Jump. rofl
1) Baby demonstrating how to jump.
2) The Boys are getting ready.
3) Take One - Jumping with no good impact.
4) Take Two - very unsynchronized Jumping.
5) Take Three - call it dulan, Boys are frustrated zz.
6) Final Take - phew The Boys' Jump success!! :O
we settled at this congested pub
alcohol drinking & photo-tak'gs,
slacked a few hours until we all got tired.
so there, visuals-time.
Steph, Hazel & me :)
friendly nice companions
on more than one occasion.
with smiley Steph!
okayyy i know i look bloated here
welllll my head is honestly. BIG, so dig it.
and Hazel!
she wore this tee with the scribbled words:
"Hazel-Eyed Hottie", which is damn cute& suitable!
presenting series of Double Act
Clyde& Stephh
Ivan& Hazel
HuangPeng& Carol
i think the cool-blue lighting is damnnit nice. :D
oh yah i've said this already
but gonna say it one more time..
hope you enjoyed the celebration with us
and thank you for the fun pre-Christmas night!
Sunday 23/12
slept in with my Tart until dusk. (not dawn)
i opened my eyes feeling happy & chirpy
knowing he's right there beside me !!
lol then i shook him awake and bugged him
to go downstairs eat Ban Mian with me. : )
continued watch'g Devil Beside You after tht
with the company of his Grandma too, haha.
Merry-Making Christ'mas to all! : )
Smashing Christmas '07 will be up sometime later!
heres truckload of visuals from Weekends.
Saturday 22/12
headed over to Grand Aunt's for a visit
since it was yummy 'Tangyuan Festival'!
we had plans after so Tart accompanied me.
had a f-fabulous dinner there as usual and then
digested our food watching tv & eating tangyuans.
to meet up with the rest for Hazel's surprise.
Ivan& Hazel, Clyde, Steph, Ivan's Cousin& Gf,
Hazel's Classmates and us.
walked around. they decided on Bugis for steamboat.
hahaha yeah although Baby & me were bloated already,
we still counted ourselves as one head to share.
food, food, food and more...
before she cut the melt-in-your-mouth chocolate cake.
omygod i ate freak'g hell a lot that day!
next, everyone else's chance to camwhore with birthday girl.
Ivan bought her a humongous piglet toy haha.
i think Hazel's damn sweet in person. (:
group shots
everyone's prepared, the better picture.
anyways finished up at midnight
we were on the road each going separate ways,
when my silly Boyfriend made a deadly mistake
by jokingly nudging Clyde "ehhh Pub lah."
whereby his suggestion was taken into serious consideration
by Clyde, Steph..... and me. HAHAHA
in the end Baby gave in and just 6 of us
went over to Boat Quay's, on feet. ._.
tedious walking man& we stopped by Raffles Hotel
who's awfully sweet tht day. ( :(:
stood outside a while having a hard time
capturing The Boys' Jump. rofl
we settled at this congested pub
alcohol drinking & photo-tak'gs,
slacked a few hours until we all got tired.
so there, visuals-time.

on more than one occasion.

okayyy i know i look bloated here
welllll my head is honestly. BIG, so dig it.
she wore this tee with the scribbled words:
"Hazel-Eyed Hottie", which is damn cute& suitable!
presenting series of Double Act

i think the cool-blue lighting is damnnit nice. :D
oh yah i've said this already
but gonna say it one more time..
hope you enjoyed the celebration with us
and thank you for the fun pre-Christmas night!
Sunday 23/12
slept in with my Tart until dusk. (not dawn)
i opened my eyes feeling happy & chirpy
knowing he's right there beside me !!
lol then i shook him awake and bugged him
to go downstairs eat Ban Mian with me. : )
continued watch'g Devil Beside You after tht
with the company of his Grandma too, haha.
i heart you with all of my heart.
thank you boyfriend for always
thinking 'bout me & ways to make me happy..
even if you yourself seldom favor those options.
hey baby just wanted to tell~ you, (familiar line?!)
that you sing the G for Greatest
&& i totally adore you when you do! : D:D
it melts me and can only melt me ah i tell you!
\ Eve and Christ'mas updates
will be posted soon.
will be posted soon.
for now, Happy Holidays to you who's reading! (: