had this meal with Mom last week,

gosh stomachs can be so weird.
celebrated our 9th over the weekend,
will not start elaborating where we started. ;)
so... 11:29 met Mister P at Cineleisure!!
bought cup corn & finger food whilst Bee-movie.
talking about movies i might be lil' slow
to proclaim tht Stardust is such a STUNNER
love the romance, humor, storyline, characters.
too tired to upload visuals blah
shall just leave you with a foot picture for now.

Happy Ninth i'd say, love love. :]
hope it wasn't the worst 'cause its not to me.
with you theres only the best.
then Sunday was rainy and very lazy. tsk
dinner at Ramen Ten with Babyyy! hahaha
thank you for giving in to my request. :DD
spicy soup & curly ramen makes me droool.
note to self: i should stop emphasizing on more food
thus blogging like a piece of fat lard these days!
walked ard buying some essentials
before heading to the arcade for racing, hoops & guns.
and then guess where we sat down next?
at S11 hardly an hour after our meal at Ramen Ten
ordered Satay Bee Hoon and Rojak to share..
& oh my oh my there i go on the 4-letter word again.
F***. i think i need to hit the gym soon.
sad to say good times fly quick its Monday again. >:(
goddamn it wanna skip tomorrow's 9 am tutorial.
it sucks squeezing through the freaaaaaking jam,
taking >1.5 hours to reach Clementi from Yck
& its freaaaaaking lame compared to usual 4o minutes.
i seriously need to hire a chauffeur.
a biker chauffeur, so we can whiz through all traffic!
lol oh & i'll choose an ogre-looking one with thick waist
to make sure Baby won't get angry. HEH
chunk of pictures be coming up.