this week started too emo for my own good
but at least it ended well. (:
Friday 21/9
trimmed fringe, in process of reverting
back to side parting.
bang-bangs no more or maybe not.
Louis says it'll look bit weird for now
once it grows out i can cut it back in shape.
& i shall believe him.
met up with Ivy (yes again!) for dinner in town.
i can forget the bad stuffs just pigging out on food.
Coke lounge then decided to be damn romantic
& catch a movie which is rare because we seldom do so.
took a step further and chose... The Dead Girl lolol.
the misleading poster seemed gory we wanted something
to scare us into tugging at each other's flabby arms.
it wasn't horror nor near thriller genre at all.
i cannot define what exactly but an extremely dark film,
god the characters practically live by the suicidal look.
despite strong performances, i agree with this critic:
'The Dead Girl segues from one turgidly-paced,
soul-crushing sequence to another
with very little reason to continue watching.'
2.0/5 credit
Cathay should have put this up instead:
Friday 21/9
trimmed fringe, in process of reverting
back to side parting.
bang-bangs no more or maybe not.
Louis says it'll look bit weird for now
once it grows out i can cut it back in shape.

met up with Ivy (yes again!) for dinner in town.
i can forget the bad stuffs just pigging out on food.
Coke lounge then decided to be damn romantic
& catch a movie which is rare because we seldom do so.
took a step further and chose... The Dead Girl lolol.
the misleading poster seemed gory we wanted something
to scare us into tugging at each other's flabby arms.
it wasn't horror nor near thriller genre at all.
i cannot define what exactly but an extremely dark film,
god the characters practically live by the suicidal look.
despite strong performances, i agree with this critic:
'The Dead Girl segues from one turgidly-paced,
soul-crushing sequence to another
with very little reason to continue watching.'
2.0/5 credit
Cathay should have put this up instead:

it was quite disturbing to watch actually. ;O
supper at Kopitiam after tht until 4am
talk/gossip/reminisc'g old times.
cabbed home tired but feeling much better!

Saturday 22/9
TBG clique outing!
town for shopping till stomachs got hungry.
dinner at Wheelock's Sakae where we ate little
and gossiped a lot lot.
strolled over Cine just to get my flipflops
then camwhor'g at the red seats.
pity i wasn't in an awesome mood
to be fugly and distort my face enough.
took a few photos, sat at one side & grouched!
haven't got the rest, ones in my phone
are with Yins only.

got mood to arrange when sad meh?!

still i enjoyed myself with the favorite girls.
got affected by small issue, sent a horrid text.
the reply touched me deeply
& i took her advice which led to my happiness
today. silly deario, you are the bestest ever.
i appreciate it all you know it. ((: loved, deardear.
yay tanning plans finally!
The Depressed Cult (quote Xin lol) disbanded,
TBG returns. :)
Sunday 23/9
yesterday was home day with Mister P!
night before almost landed in disaster,
i'm glad i made that turn back around.
woke up 12pm, headed downstairs for lunch.
his parents were back by then & a while after,
we had to prepare for beach picnic.
bit apprehensive at first since its a family thing
lucky it turned out pretty fun! :]
together with Baby, his Bro, Sister + parents
we set out on his Dad's lorry which is
flying windy & shiok at the same time.
really thankful to his Mom who made big effort
to make me feel welcomed... and accept me.
ate Kentucky's, fried rice/noodles blahblah
chipped in conversations a lil' cus im SHY ok.
& happiest moment was sitting by the jetty
with Baby by my side looking down at the sea.
especially high tide when it had such 3D sparks!
magical. lovely. together. :DDDDD
his parents are still very in love if you ask me,
i mean not bad for a going-50 couple luh.
usually ppl at their age are in a rls
for the sake of their family, commitment,
companionship, responsibilities... well hardly love.
i want my marriage to be fruitful too.
not 30 years down waking up every morning
feeling sorrowful & sick of the husband & family.
that'll be way too depressing to live. >:(
tsk digressing! so anyways packed up,
short nap at his house before Baby sent me off.
Macflurry ended the day on a blissful note.
i end this post, on a blissful note 2.

ive fallen in love all over again.