hooked unto Taiwanese drama Why Why Love.
so life of recent has been good.
DUH you take away school & work equals to
the kick of carefree living.
& been out with my Coconut & Farhan aplenty. :]
feel very at ease i can either keep silent at backseat
or stick my head out in front when i've gt something to say.
vcd marathons, late night supper, neverending car rides..
having much of leisure time relaxing my brainy molecules
as though holidays are already here.
self-delusion tells me exams? "aiyah still faraway";
while dorky-in-me argues back "one week, assshole".
lots of TLC from Coconut, more than i ever felt
in a longlong long long long time. heh
explains the following chunk of mushy marrows
which you can choose NOT to read. :)
angsty rwahrahrah moments!
almost an everyday emotion.
pray you'll never have to witness
any one of our heated quarrels.
they are legendary !@#$%^&*?!?@#$!?!
lol ask Clyde. =x
other than tht, i cherish every fucking smile
you bring to me. :D
you, my encore.
no matter how overwhelming the anger, sadness or pain
each time - over & over & over again.
its always worth it.
no matter how you calculate or how you judge it,
one warmest hug after every fight from you
its enough to make it worth.
after many over & over & overs again
we will learn to make our happiness last,
till then i'll hang on.
and baby i thank you for being strong.
so life of recent has been good.
DUH you take away school & work equals to
the kick of carefree living.
& been out with my Coconut & Farhan aplenty. :]
feel very at ease i can either keep silent at backseat
or stick my head out in front when i've gt something to say.
vcd marathons, late night supper, neverending car rides..
having much of leisure time relaxing my brainy molecules
as though holidays are already here.
self-delusion tells me exams? "aiyah still faraway";
while dorky-in-me argues back "one week, assshole".
lots of TLC from Coconut, more than i ever felt
in a long
explains the following chunk of mushy marrows
which you can choose NOT to read. :)

almost an everyday emotion.
pray you'll never have to witness
any one of our heated quarrels.
they are legendary !@#$%^&*?!?@#$!?!
lol ask Clyde. =x

you bring to me. :D

no matter how overwhelming the anger, sadness or pain
each time - over & over & over again.
its always worth it.
no matter how you calculate or how you judge it,
one warmest hug after every fight from you
its enough to make it worth.
after many over & over & overs again
we will learn to make our happiness last,
till then i'll hang on.
and baby i thank you for being strong.