tribute to my Benq. i miss you. :(

Cine to get tix for Night At The Museum. i wanted Midnight Sun sadly it got overruled ughh!
but nvm NATM was damn entertaining &funny haha.
ate at long johns' then literally ran for the last train back to yck. Weiwei walked me 'cause was late and the long stretch hm is fucking dark.. LOL bu sing~ eh.
im independent i overcome it all the time by myself!
no more transport so we stayed downstairs till dawn.
i swear my condo is winner of eeriest toilet at night! dim lights, closed/unclosed doors. potential lurking corners for living &spirtuals. and i kept having to pee la damn it. hahahahaha he was nagging me to hurry up 'cause it was scary standing alone outside... it is. i pulled him into the ladies to accompany my weak heart.. sorry! :x
then it rained. fucking heavy downpour at 3am!
i swear my condo is winner of eeriest toilet at night! dim lights, closed/unclosed doors. potential lurking corners for living &spirtuals. and i kept having to pee la damn it. hahahahaha he was nagging me to hurry up 'cause it was scary standing alone outside... it is. i pulled him into the ladies to accompany my weak heart.. sorry! :x
then it rained. fucking heavy downpour at 3am!
lucky the ktv rm was left unlocked god knows why but anyways great shelter for us. sneaked in, warmly welcomed by comfy cushions plus a gigantic posh sofa! wheeeee. :D played number games Wei being tyco kid.
i lost terribly i think i got low EQ?
either that or really bad luck. i guess the 2nd.
back up to sleeep in the morning.
back up to sleeep in the morning.
MonsterMom in action again. took me real long before i fell asleep to her fucking unneeded lullaby.
im awake nw! stay-home day. =)
im awake nw! stay-home day. =)