On4Life Levis party @MOS!!
perfect company of
- Ivy (1)
- Mak, 's frens, (1+3)
- Mingyao with GH/Ben/Shihui (1+3)
- JayJayyy &co! (1+4)
Total 15! break record siaa.
rare tht we club with a big grp these days.. its usually just me &twinnY. haha which is terrible 'cause then we dont get space to dance. end up as squashed cabbage between loaves of countless human hamburgers.
- Mak, 's frens, (1+3)
- Mingyao with GH/Ben/Shihui (1+3)
- JayJayyy &co! (1+4)
Total 15! break record siaa.
rare tht we club with a big grp these days.. its usually just me &twinnY. haha which is terrible 'cause then we dont get space to dance. end up as squashed cabbage between loaves of countless human hamburgers.
(some double hamburgers even..) rah.

(all sing while shaking legs)

cigarette shorter, lungs blacker.
not like i think anyone gives a damn. so cheers!

anyway was FUN! :D if you subtract the times when crowd gt fucked up. at least we had drinks, and could move more than juz a single toe after a battle of the wits. emerged winner of our new game 'floor snatcher'.. wahahaha its 10000x easier with guys and numbers! except for J &co, all of us werent part of the first 500. had to pay a hefty sum of 15 each. ok lah, not so hefty but my current situation says 15? yes its hefty. :(
saw the handsome Weiwei too. wahahaha.
in &out, 7-11 for beer and cup noodles.
im still hoping the staff at MOS can one day grow brains to permanently transform main arena to Smoove.. shift the electro/house or whatever jumpy music to tht tiny cage of the now r&b. grooveyed till closing at 5.
had fucking painful eye infection which caused me to dance foggily.. literally half-blind i tell you.
slacked at macronalds after, feeling rather sulky due to blocked nose &increasingly hurting vision.
cabbed hm at sunrise with Mak, peeled off my lens, finally fell asleep at 10am in the morning.
ayes! but its been one of the better clubbing nights.
in a long time. :)
thanks to all my lovely friends. wheeeee.