Monday, November 30

The people of today would rather stand next to a man with no substance but covered in gold. What if God was dressed as a carpenter with dirty nails and beaten boots? Only those with truth in them will recognize truth. And you must learn to recognize all that is untrue to get the truth. —Suzy Kassem

Sunday, November 29

Blessed to have friends whom always spring mini surprises. Sometimes when I'm upset I tend to shut off from everybody, but they get to me anyway. Makes me go :) :)
Thanks Dap for being so proud (and vocal lol) of me. I am too! :) Sleeping early to brace a long day ahead. Night.

Friday, November 27

That there are choices out here, present and offering up a band aid for our wound.
But that's the same story you hear when people come to realize they've lost the right one forever. Seeking refuge at the wrong time only brings you to wrong people. Human beings will cause each other pain in one way or another somewhere down the road - if the journey was honest and faced real problems.
I think, it's easy for somebody to show up new and promise great things. Perhaps even feel like great things. But to fix the damage when it hurts them too, only time can tell. It's what a true lover will do for you.
Not now.

Wednesday, November 25

Thus, any negative emotion we feel becomes unwarranted. This was extracted from an ebook:

Jesus' only desire was to give. He wanted nothing back in return. It was enough for him to see the people fed. That they were taken care of was all he needed to be satisfied.
It's so easy, when embroiled in any kind of struggle with another, to only think of what that struggle is costing you. How did they hurt me? you think. How did they wrong me? When I showed them a measure of goodwill, when I gave them the benefit of the doubt, did they in any way show they were grateful to me for being so kind?
"What am I getting out of this?" That's the gist of what we often think when we're in or trying to resolve a fight.
Well, next time you find yourself thinking like that, remember how Jesus fed the people. It's almost as much a miracle that Jesus so selflessly fed them as that he fed them in the first place. If I fed thousands of people from nothing but five loaves of bread and a couple of fish, I would expect there to be a huge statue commemorating it on the very next day, if not sooner. I would be tempted to make it all about me and not about simply feeding the people.
You may not have the ability to do the physical miracles Christ performed. But we all have what it takes to do the greatest single miracle Jesus performed over and over again: loving selflessly. If you want to live a regret-free life, love others selflessly. It is that miraculous.

Sunday, November 22

A week since I moved. Already, I see the difference it makes. Living at Dad's I no longer dread going home. Not much conversation goes on during weekdays, but I take comfort in this peace. Traveling's inconvenient. I've real responsibilities now too. But after 12 years, we're under one roof and just 2 minutes away from my sister. Worthy trade-off. :)

A little story tonight

Wednesday, November 18


Sunday, November 8

What a pleasant dream it'll be