Saturday, July 31

# 265

It seems strange to be typing, writing again.
This space has been empty for so long.... like my virtual life.
I'm back on track.
2 weeks since I've left the workplace.
As much as I enjoy freedom, addictive dramas, good sleep,
money is also decreasing at turbo rate.

Time to set the pace; make a final decision on choice of Uni,
get a job that pays well to support my entertainment. To save.
Life's demanding in recent months.
First there was immense stress from work, and family-ache etc...
then comes the lack of quality time to practise music,
dear friends whom I started to lose my faith in, dam skin allergy,
unrealistic expectations from people around me.
The accumulative force literally drove me into 1 hell of a corner.

Anyway coincidentally (yes at this time) I chanced upon a blog post:
"Someone once told me that life is meaningless. 
And when you finally see life for what it really is, you will choose death. 
And that is the case for most people who committed suicide. 
You say they don't see the importance of living, but I think they saw, 
and decided that whatever they had comprehended, it's not worth it. 
They are one heck of a courageous bunch."

Not written by me yet I cannot agree more.
You usually hear a mixture of 'selfish act', 'recklessness', 'cowardice'
or otherwise plain 'stupidity' when suicide is mentioned.
In general thats the point of view. But how many have been there, honestly,
and felt the nothingness in all aspects of living?

I wouldn't say it is correct,
especially if you still have people who love you in this world.
It is however a free option to be considered.
No one should be judged because no one could possibly know
how down really, is another person's down.

Update soon with overdue pictures.
Hopefully by then, I'll be chirpy-bird again!