at longgggggg last!
tsk i am extremelyyy lazy in blogging.
somehow online singing to videos for hours
rather than what i promised myself, an update.
this comes quite belatedly... still
30th May 2008
as the caption says.they organized a 4/5 Brothers gathering on 31st nightsince the birthday boy was busy on his actual big day.last minute decisions but glad it all turned out good.
Thanks to Baby's generous friend + Aunt,we managed to enjoy luxurious settings at a damn low cost!a blasting KTV System too imagine! (:NOTE:Selected Images are Click-enabledfor convenience of friends to Save As from short it was an evening of
Non-Stop Singing
and Wacky Games hahahain which they sort of um, 'Horse' each other as punishment!?
Free flow Drinks (almost)on Striped-Lit Tables.pretty aye.i think i did an awesome job trying to be artsy!!
miniature bottle of Martell.Baby downed like 1/2 of it and proudly survived!Vocal Artiste (self-employed),was Kelvin as we can obviously tell from...
this. ROFLfreaking wow his vibrato chord is damm power!
Baby Baby BabyBoy in action now,my all-time favorite Singer. :D
unintentional yellow beam of light.taken after dinner, & my fill of Hokkien noodles.okayyyy the following are random captures!
Xavier, Clyde.they are blood brothers and i just realizedtheir fringe grows out the exact same way hahahaha.
Clement was at first alright with a normal shot...
when our Clyde got touchy please see his horrified face,
Yile came to his rescue later on.
Clement, Kelvin
with Peter.
Clyde, Clifford, John again lol.they get super action with any form of liquor in hands.the jaguar-printed couch is comfy to max!as you would have noticedeveryone was basically slouched on it the entire night.
Clyde, Baby, Jiao

CLASSIC LINE.all the boys who were presentwho made Baby very happy tht night. :]its funny to witness how they gel togetherso impromptu yet all of them with the same expressions.hahahahaha THE BONDDD, i guess.
a proper one, not so actually.(e.g Clifford's face is not even to the camera haha)"hatezxzxzx euuu for lifezxzxzxzx"HAHAHAHAHA DON'T LAH CLYDIE :)I AM DEEPLY SORRYYYYY,this entry got many pictures to cool you down.

ohhhhh goodness we are such three/four photos with that * owned lehhh Clyde, four/four LMAO!
ordered a banana chocolate fudge cakefor Baby from Choc.A.Bloc.( only complain is the traveling distance to Bedokbecause thought i could save on delivery fees!18 dollars no joke, i'd rather go fetch it myself....which sad to say i ended up regretting.located at this bloody ulu corner knoww, sounless you stay in the East its a bad idea to go on foot.& in my opinion, the cake is very yummyy. :Oof course since i did my research! teehaw
its nice to see Baby enjoying himself,just being by his side on that special dayis more than enough for me! :DDUETS DUETS DUETS,hehehehehehehehhe
mwa mwasz ♥ Bliss, heartfelt.
Heartfelt, bliss.

once again Happy Birthday Peetart!! :Dmay your 19th year be smooth & most exciting.i sincerely hope you had a memorable big day,and i'll always be wishing the best for you.
HEEE I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH (:-the next daywas a lil private date at
whereby i finally had Salmon with Mash Potato- droolsss....
i know you're droolsss-ing too.
Calamari sidekick.
gave Baby his lovelyy presents HAHA,no matter what i am really glad he isn't practicaland would never dislike whatever i buy him.i have a lot of meaning in my gifts!
hence a good boy ought to be rewarded.Thank you for the treat love. :D-i feel like i can sing with youforever.